my favourite anime and what they’re about pt. 3

“You can become a hero!” Tears run down Izuku’s face as all mights words repeat in his mind over and over again, becoming better and better as the words keep repeating. “H-how? I don’t have a quirk!” Izuku says with loads of tears in his eyes. “Listen young midoriya, i can give you my quirk” Izuku looks at all might in pure shock “W-What!!!” “Listen, i wasn’t born with my quirk, my quirk was passed down to me, my quirk, is one for all! One quirk for all of mankind, passed down from one person to another, getting even more stronger as it continues, i feel you are worthy of my power, and i feel you will be a great successor to one for all!” “One for all…” Izuku repeats under his breath “yes! I will do my best , i will become a great successor!” Izuku yells confidently, realizing that even though his dreams were crushed and thrown in the trash, he would now have a quirk and finally become a hero like all might! All might told Izuku that he would need to train really hard to be able to handle his quirk, otherwise his body would explode if he tried to use it. Shocked, Izuku agreed, all might said that the U.A entrance exam will be in 10 months so he will have to train super hard for 10 months to be able to handle all mights quirk… lets see how that went………

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